Frequently Asked Questions
How do I purchase a Meal Plan?
Commuters may purchase a Commuter Meal Plan by cash or check with the Student Accounts Office, or payment can be made online at the One Payment Gateway.
I live on campus. Do I need a Meal Plan?
Yes, all residential students are required to have a meal plan.
I live off campus. Can I have a Meal Plan?
Yes. Commuters may purchase a Commuter Meal Plan or even a Residential Meal Plan.
Can I change my Meal Plan during the Academic Year?
Residential students may change their meal plan the first 10 days of each semester.
Can I share my Meal Plan or use it for guests?
Residential Meal Plans include 10 guest meal swipes per semester to be used for this purpose.
How do I add Flex Dollars to my account?
Students may purchase Declining Balance Flex$ at any time by bringing cash or check to the Student Accounts Office, and/or payment may be made on the One Payment Gateway.
Where can I use a Meal Swipe?
Meal Swipes can be used at the University Dining Hall (UDH) for all meal periods, the Palio for Breakfast, Dinner, and Late Knight, and Cafe Ogle for late lunch (1:30pm-4:30pm)
Where can I use Flex Dollars?
Flex Dollars can be used at all of our dining locations.